Saturday, 6 December 2014

Our lovely 15+ knot southerly continued for most of yesterday, which meant we were able to sail for most of the day. The wind died out a little around 4 pm, motor started and we then motor sailed (jib down, main reefed) for the night. This morning brought light winds and sunshine, a lovely way to start our final full day at sea (hopefully!!) we continued to motor sail until 1:30 pm, when the jib was hoisted and motor turned off - it is still a beautiful day only now much quieter. As I write this post we are sailing past Cape Leeuwin, the sun is still shining and we again have a lovely 15+ knot southerly. We enjoyed a very nice glass (or 2) of Cape Clairault Chardonnay with lunch, which was ham, egg & lettuce sandwiches and toasted chicken & cheese sandwiches. I have already prepared the Tuna Pasta Bake for dinner so can enjoy the sunshine (it is the first day since we left Sydney that I have had my shorts back on!). This is the sort of cruising that I like!!


  1. What a life heh? Any idea of an eta yet?

  2. We're all wondering about ETA. When do you think Janette? Need to buy the champers!!!

  3. Really hard to predict a definite time, even now we are so close. But it is looking like late tomorrow afternoon (Sunday). We will have more of an accurate idea in the morning xxx

  4. Looks like you have put the "bite crossing" ordeal behind you and are starting to relax - what with the chardy at lunch and all.
    Wish I could be there to congratulate you on your massively brave feat.
    Make sure you get photos Deedy - I wanna see Janette with greasy hair and hairy legs and Craig with a beard x

  5. Sorry to disappoint - but I washed my hair and shaved the legs last night. Craig is still sporting a beard though (of sorts, it kinda stopped growing after the first week.)
