Sunday, 7 December 2014

We spent the rest of yesterday under sail, reefing the main and taking down the jib just before sunset as the wind built to 25 kts gusting 30 kts. Sailed through the night, then early this morning started the motor and are now motor sailing. We are so close now - with an ETA of around 2 pm into Fremantle Sailing Club.
What an adventure! There have been a few scary moments (for me anyway) but I am really proud to have made it the whole way. Craig and I would like to thank Peter and Phil for helping us bring Napea home, your guidance, knowledge and calmness was much appreciated. Also thank you for taking on longer night time shifts when I piked out!

To all of our Blog followers - a very big thank you xxx
Knowing that we had family and friends keeping an eye on our progress and watching out for us was wonderful. Sitting down and writing an account of our day was a much needed distraction and reading your comments back to us always made my day. We look forward to showing off and sharing Napea with all of you some time soon.

So for now, this is Napea signing off xxx

Saturday, 6 December 2014

We have put up the MPS having just rounded Cape Leeuwin. Hopefully this will keep the boat speed up around 8 knots. Sunday afternoon looking promising :) xx

Position 1400 Saturday 6 December

Our lovely 15+ knot southerly continued for most of yesterday, which meant we were able to sail for most of the day. The wind died out a little around 4 pm, motor started and we then motor sailed (jib down, main reefed) for the night. This morning brought light winds and sunshine, a lovely way to start our final full day at sea (hopefully!!) we continued to motor sail until 1:30 pm, when the jib was hoisted and motor turned off - it is still a beautiful day only now much quieter. As I write this post we are sailing past Cape Leeuwin, the sun is still shining and we again have a lovely 15+ knot southerly. We enjoyed a very nice glass (or 2) of Cape Clairault Chardonnay with lunch, which was ham, egg & lettuce sandwiches and toasted chicken & cheese sandwiches. I have already prepared the Tuna Pasta Bake for dinner so can enjoy the sunshine (it is the first day since we left Sydney that I have had my shorts back on!). This is the sort of cruising that I like!!

Position 0830 Saturday 6 December

Friday, 5 December 2014

A hitchhiker last night

This little guy enjoyed a much needed rest from the wind last night. He stayed there until 4:30 am this morning, didn't like the commotion of the jib being put up!