Thursday, 4 December 2014

We are on our way out of Esperance Bay, not much breeze so are motoring for now. Had a lovely dinner at the Pier Hotel last night and an OK nights sleep tied up to the Yacht Club jetty.
Didn't end up getting fuel at Bandy Creek, the entrance to the marina was looking a little shallow to us so decided not to risk bumping the bottom! We are not going to call into Albany, as we did enough provision shopping in Esperance to get us home and the fuel was more "to be sure to be sure", figure that we could motor the rest of the way to Fremantle on the fuel we have, and hopefully we wont have too, as we would like to sail some of it!!
So, we really are on the homeward stretch - although I wont quite believe that until we have turned the corner at Cape Leeuwin.

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