Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Yesterday began with bacon and eggs and then a walk into town. An electrician had come and taken a look at the furler, the motor had burnt out - so we are without the furler for the rest of the trip (this will have to be repaired/replaced under warranty in Fremantle). After having lunch at the Pub we spent the afternoon there playing pool, luckily there were not many people around as the standard of play was pretty dismal, we definitely got our money's worth out of the $1 game fee! Craig and I returned to the boat at about 5 to prepare dinner (chicken Kiev, potato bake and a beet root & goats cheese salad), Peter and Phil did a bit of a pub crawl, then back in time for dinner. This morning we are going over to the commercial wharf to refuel, the westerly was up to 30 knots last night but should be easing later in the day, so hopefully we will be back on our way by early evening.


  1. Not being a sailor - but when do you predict an ETA? Or is it bad luck to do that too early?? xx

  2. Sorry too early to say, looks like another night in Portland, revenge games of pool !

  3. I have you and "Endorfin" in my fleet on "Marine Traffic" - they are in Busselton waiting for their main to be repaired in Perth - it had a tear in it. So I'm watching & waiting for ANY movement at all from either of you. Both crews seem quite content to play pool, eat & drink ...
    Nice & warm here today.

  4. Yes, we are all having a lovely time playing pool!! But, it looks like we will be able to set sail tomorrow from here! Will keep you posted. xx
