Wow, what a crazy couple of days...
Sunday morning saw torrential rain (while we were refuelling), then we set off from Pittwater heading to Sydney Harbour. About half way there the BOM issued a revised weather report - a gale warning! So we shortened sails and arrived in the harbour with gusts of 35+ knots. Deciding not to attempt putting the boat in an unknown pen we anchored in Taylor's Bay to have lunch and wait for the wind to ease. This is when we discovered we had an "issue" with our inverters. So, yesterday we had the tech on the boat sorting that out while we tried to go through the boat with our skipper and crew, then off to the shops for provisioning.
It is now 6:15 am on Tuesday morning, there is a light drizzle and light winds. Craig and I will spend a couple of hours tidying the boat, getting last minute provisions and the plan is to head off around 10:30 this morning. But first, our last opportunity for a walk so we are going for one around Rushcutters Bay.
Okay - so for all us non yachties, what is an "inverter"?