Wednesday, 26 November 2014

It is now 8 pm and we have just finished tidying up after dinner. We had slow cooked Portuguese lamb with potato and peas/corn. The lamb was from Who's Cooking in Edgecliff  and was very nice.
While in Portland we discussed the fact that I am not enjoying the night watches on my own and the boys have offered to do 1 1/2 hour shifts so that I don't have to do them - thank you Peter, Phil and Craig xx. So I am now officially the chief cook and bottle washer on the boat!!
I believe the twilight is not going to be so nice in Perth tonight, hopefully next week will be better.
The sun is getting ready to set here, breeze has dropped a little so our speed a little less - still sailing though. Hopefully I will still be able to post tomorrow so until then, Goodnight!


  1. Well that is very kind of the boys to do the night shifts for you. Don't blame you for not enjoying doing that, I probably wouldn't have agreed to that in first place.
    I bet the boys are appreciating your culinary prowess.
    Do you still have to help "hoist the sails" seeing as the furler is still broken?
    Hope you all get some sleep x

  2. Ps. Look out for the cray pots

  3. Can't keep up with all the posts, Janette. Can understand you not wanting to do a solo watch. For safety reasons I would have thought two on deck at all times. Hope it's a peaceful sail for you tonight. X

  4. Everyday is one step closer to home and the galley sounds good to me.
    Love to all xxxx

  5. Lordy - if I'd known you would be cooking for the entire-ish trip, I would have (almost) insisted on signing up ... ;)
    It's lovely of the boys to take the chivalrous path, and as Valma says every day is a day closer to home ... Cheers to THAT :)

  6. Thanks everyone for the back up on my chickening out of solo watches - I did feel a bit guilty last night when hearing the change over of shifts.

  7. Geez Louise - you were brave to do the shifts as long as you did! At least the meals are sounding wonderful! Cannot wait to experience the menu myself! Hope all is good ... just to keep you in touch with reality :-) . Lunching a Rockpool today.

  8. That is so not fair Suzanne, I would love to be having lunch at the Rockpool. Would need to have a shower first though, the hair is looking a bit greasy!!
