Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Had another quite day in Portland yesterday. We refuelled Napea at the commercial wharf, Craig had organised a truck to meet us there with diesel, bringing the hose down from the parking area to us. After getting the boat back to the Marina, Craig then went for a swim to check the propeller, which I am happy to say is OK. Lunch on the boat, then a bit of provision shopping, then it was back to the Pub for a rematch of the Pool Competition, unfortunately the standard had gone down rather than improved! Dinner in the Bistro of the Pub, Garlic Prawns and Rice for me - very nice.
The weather looks good for us to leave this morning, a high pressure system is setting up in the Bight, which is just what we want. We will hopefully set off around 9 am today, Wednesday 26 November.
There may be limited coverage for me to blog over the next week or so, as we plan to leave Portland and head straight for Albany (7 to 10 days).
Our skipper Peter has a website that you can check regarding our position, if there are no new blogs. His web address is
Look for "Position Text File"


  1. Wow- next stop Albany!
    Hope the weather does all the right things for you :)
    Maybe time for a spot of trawling.

  2. Yes, I believe this is the leg when the famous tuna line will be christened! Craig did speak to some local fisherman though, and apparently it is not tuna season, so we shall see. Just as well we have a couple of cans of tuna on the boat!!

  3. I really hope you have favour able weather for your journey. Not sure of the types of edible fish in the Bight but there must be some type you can BBQ. Can't wait for you to arrive. Hopefully your arrival will be out of work hours so we can greet you at FSC. Take care. Xxx
