Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Because the conditions were lovely, almost glassed off for the morning, we decided to have our main meal for lunch. Phil cooked up a very nice Beef Bourguignon, which his wife had made for us. The sails went up this afternoon at around 2 pm and we had a beautiful sail in an 18 to 22 knot NE breeze. We are heading toward Gabo island , which is where we begin the turn to head West. Wind has picked up to 20 to 25 from the North and the sea is a bit lumpy, so we have shortened the sails for the night. 


  1. Hopefully it'll all be calm (or as calm as you want sailing to be) from now on

  2. Thanks Deedy, this morning is lovely and calm. We are motoring but I prefer this to bumpy!!

  3. And you still made Phil go up the mast despite him bearing beef bourguignon as a present ...? <3
