Wednesday, 19 November 2014

A disconcerting event happened yesterday. Craig, Phil and I where in the cockpit and we heard what sounded like a gun going off then a washer fell to the cockpit floor! So after a very thorough look around we decided that it looked like a washer from one of the rigging securing bolts. This morning we motored into Batemans Bay and Phil very kindly offered to go up the mast to take a look. After a phone call to the rigger to determine if we were good to keep going, Phil wrapped duct tape and gaffer tape around the offending fitting (bolted from top,locking screw missing from bottom) and we were back on our way. As you can imagine - Craig and I are "not happy Jan". Boats ...

The wind today is in a much more preferable direction, a northerly, but at present it is glassed off, which means that we are still motoring! Hoping to get a bit stronger breeze later this morning so we can reach down the coast.

0900 Wednesday 19 November


  1. Gee - hope that wasn't the bolt holding the mast together!

  2. We were a little concerned (that is probably an understatement) but we have been assured that the rig will be OK without it. But as you know gaffer tape can fix everything!
